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What we do

Performing is a joint stock company, based in Milan, specialized in the purchase and management of selected cherry picked non performing loans (NPLs), backed by real estate assets, as well as directly in real estate positions that are significantly undervalued and thus that trade at prices substantially below market value.

Proprietary investments

Performing's team is highly specialized in litigation, corporate management and administration, as well as debt restructurings and management of the relative underlying real estate assets, as the team possesses a strong legal expertise, established through long-standing partnerships with a dedicated team of lawyers associated with the group.

The amalgamation of these competences with shareholder and investor capital is what enables Performing to select individual NPL positions with the utmost great care, on a single-name basis, evaluating both the legal background of the position and the commercial value of the underlying real-estate, such as to discard any positions should they be insufficiently collateralized. This approach enables a swift work-out strategy, resulting in the revitalization of the non performing assets via the redevelopment of the underlying real estate.


In addition to managing proprietary positions, Performing provides strategic advice and assistance in the financial-banking and real estate fields to private clients and/or SMEs with difficult positions requiring restructuring agreements. As such, clients can count on a 360° service that guarantees the maximum first-person involvement of professionals dedicated to obtaining the best way-out for the client.

In this sense, Performing carries out an in-depth legal, financial and accounting due diligence on behalf of and in collaboration with its clients, enabling an in depth planning of the path to regaining full financial autonomy and control of the business, where possible. Should a turnaround turn out to not be actionable, Performing carries out all such activities necessary to ensure the best possible exit strategy, including contacting, maintaining sound relations and negotiating restructuring agreements with creditors of all degrees of privilege (banks, suppliers, tax authorities, etc.. ), as well as implementing and structuring the most adequate vehicles to achieve such goals.

Real Estate

Whilst NPLs are in fact Performing's core business, as they carry significant upside potential, over time as a natural side-business the company has found numerous opportunities in the direct investment in real estate properties, either privately or through a public auction. Such assets are predominantly of a commercial nature (i.e. hotels, stores, offices, etc.) and are systematically selected based on their intrinsic value compared to the current market price at which they are acquirable. 

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Performing's partners include "RRB & Partners," a gighly specialized law firm, with extensive experience in handling legal disputes of a banking nature, that works in close unity with the professionals of the Rizzo Law Firm, and "Italrek S.p.A." a support company for the management of NPL loans with a special license under Art. 115 TULPS.

RRB Law Firm

Since its establishment in 2016 RRB has been involved in the management of distressed debt and litigation both in and out of court,  as have its partners and consultants before its institution. In fact, the firm counts among its clients some major financial institutions (including funds, SPVs and banks) on who's behalf it operates with specific mandates for the management, collection and work-out of Mortgage Backed Securities with various denominations. The firm also provides legal - commercial assistance and advice to private clients with needs related to the sector.

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Italrek S.p.A.

Instituting a specialized company authorized to manage and acquire NPLs by art. 115 TULPS was a natural step the partners of the law firm took in order t broaden the scope of out-of-court services provided. As such Italrek S.p.A. was founded.

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Studio Legale Rizzo

Studio Legale Rizzo is a highly specialized law firm which provides a range of legal services and is specialized in financial law, leasing, foreclosures, and insolvency proceedings (CCII). The firm assists Performing and Performing's clients in handling difficult positions, both judicially and extrajudicially.

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Where we are

HQ:               Via Fabio Filzi 8, 20124, Milano

Operations:   Via Vittor Pisani 6, 20124, Milano

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